Our KingstonShelves are an RFID mobile shelving solution that will revolutionize the way that your library handles returns. Simply returning materials to the shelf will automatically check them in – no library card necessary.
Books on the KingstonShelves are Ready to Go!
Any material returned to the KingstonShelves are automatically checked back into your integrated library management system (ILS), updating the circulation status through a SIP2 connection. This allows any patron who browses this collection of recently returned items to simply pick up a book and check it back out through a nearby self-check station or at your circulation desk. When combined with a self-checkout kiosk, you provide a streamlined and efficient process for patrons. Conservative statistics report libraries finding 25% of materials circulate this way.
Checkin Automatically to your ILS
KingstonShelves use RFID technology in its very design which maximizes your investment in RFID as it immediately reads the tag applied to an item and communicates instantly to your ILS through SIP2 to ensure circulation information is updated. The technology supports many different data models and is compliant with major RFID standards allowing it to integrate and complement most major RFID implementations easily.
Attractive and Affordable
The process of checking in material is a labour intensive activity involving multiple points of interaction with material for staff. Automated Materials Handling systems have for some libraries reduced the percentage of items being handled manually. These are expensive systems for many libraries and they also require significant space and planning to accommodate the various sorter components and bins. KingstonShelves are both an affordable and convenient alternative, perfect for libraries that don’t have either funding or space for AMH systems, but who do wish to significantly improve the process for both staff and patrons. Multiple KingstonShelves can be linked together with the Intelligent Information Terminal. Once full, a set of the mobile shelves can be moved and displayed in different parts of the library.
RFID tags typically include a combination of security and circulation information. When books are returned to the KingstonShelves, the security features are automatically enabled. This means that patrons cannot simply grab a book from the shelf, and walk out of the library with it. The item will need to be correctly checked out.
Many items being returned have holds on them. When a patron returns a book to the KingstonShelves that has been put on hold, the system will trigger an alert to go to staff. This alert can take the form of a receipt printed to a staff station’s receipt printer. It can be sent via our MessageBoard software that be installed on staff workstations. IT can also be sent to an email address. Once notified staff can then go and retrieve the book and process it for the expectant patron.